Tuesday, November 2
The physical workplace is changing and in many cases dissolving into more and more distributed and remote work. This ads new requirements to the modern workplace where technology is becoming imperative when you wish to manage your team.
The Future Workplace conference track focused on how to do that effectively; balancing control and democracy in our day to day activities as well as our projects. Managing communication, information and KPI's in a way that fosters close and effective collaboration.
8.00 - 9.00
Breakfast & Registration
The conversation starts at breakfast. Have one or several cups of coffee and get a great start to the rest of the day.
9.00 - 9.15
Welcome and kick-off
10.30 - 10.45
Coffee, tea & networking
10.45 - 12.00
Track: Future Workplace
Hybrid work is the future of knowledge work - If only there was a recipe
In this session, Thomas will share the G+J approach towards Hybrid Work: Why do we want to embrace it and what do we do. According to Thomas, you can't overestimate the need for crossfunctional systemic learning and communication.
You’ll hear both hits & misses and what have we learned so far. Thomas will also share his thinking about sailing the seven seas with their plans & challenges for the nearer future
Join the discussion:
A new role for IT? It's time to realize that hybrid work finally pushes IT into organisational development.
New skills are required: Digitization and environmental change keep on pushing - and it's all good.
12.00 - 13.00
13.00 - 14.15
Track: Future Workplace
How to embrace the post-Corona “push” related to changing ways of working and employee preferences
In this session, Peter will share how Nordea is working on Flexible Working@Nordea, with a focus on continuous learning and adaption.
14.15 - 14.45
Coffee, tea & networking
15.45 - 16.00
Wrap-up & key learnings
16.00 - 16.30
Coffee, tea & networking
17.30 - 18.30
Informal city walk
Meet at the registration desk for a small guided tour of Aarhus
Highlights include Hesitation of Light, former Gestapo HQ, Latin Quarter, Endless Connections, Magic Mushrooms, and the famous Rainbow Panorama.
18.30 - 22.00
Social Event: Conference Dinner
Location: Raadhus Kafeen